Sunday, February 27, 2011

1st post

Hey guys,
Just made our blog! Should work out well.
In order for me to add everyone from class as an author I'll need you all to send me your gmail addresses and then I can add you (just send them to my nyu email -- srp311@nyu)
Post away....

1 comment:

  1. Yo yo yo... nice pictures... I'm going to be uptown tonight dogsitting at my parents apt. and am planning on going over to the site to take a couple of pictures for my proposal while I'm there. If anyone needs me to take any pictures specific to their project I'd be willing to do that. Send me an email or text/call me at 9175760510. I don't know if I'll be able to get them to you before thursday - but they might still be helpful to have in class.


    all the best,
